Overcoming the Fear of Bariatric Surgery
The Truth Behind Your Concerns
As a bariatric healthcare provider, I’ve noticed something interesting in my practice. When patients come to me expressing fear about weight loss surgery, their concerns often run deeper than what first meets the eye. While many healthcare providers might immediately respond with statistics about surgical safety, I’ve learned that there’s usually much more beneath the surface.
The Real Fears Behind Bariatric Surgery
When I started asking patients “What are you scared of?” instead of simply reassuring them about surgical safety, their answers revealed much deeper concerns. Let’s address these real fears head-on:
“I’m Afraid People Will Judge Me”
This is perhaps one of the most common fears I hear from patients. And let’s be honest – some people might judge, while others won’t. But here’s the truth: it’s none of their business. This journey is yours alone, focused on your health and your wellness. As one of my favorite quotes suggests, “The greatest weight you will ever lose is the weight of other people’s opinions.” Perhaps those who judge are simply uncomfortable seeing someone take control of their health in a way they haven’t been able to.
“I’m Afraid I’ll Never Enjoy Life Again”
This concern couldn’t be further from the truth. The whole point of this journey is to enhance your enjoyment of life, not restrict it. Let me share a recent experience: At my birthday party, two of my dear friends who had undergone weight loss surgery were there. They enjoyed adult beverages, savored cake, and relished our barbecue and homemade elk burgers. But beyond food, they’re now able to participate in activities they couldn’t before and spend quality time with loved ones in ways that weren’t possible before their surgery.
“I’m Afraid I Will Fail”
Here’s something crucial to understand: obesity is a chronic disease. Everything we do to help you live a healthier, happier life is simply another tool in fighting this disease. Think about it this way: if you took blood pressure medication and it didn’t work as expected, would you consider that a personal failure? Of course not – you’d simply try another medication or approach. Weight loss works the same way.
There’s no such thing as failure in this journey – there are only opportunities to try again, adjust, and keep moving forward. We’re here to support you for life, no matter what that looks like or how long it takes.
The Safety Factor
While it’s not usually the primary concern, it’s worth noting that bariatric surgery is one of the safest surgical procedures you can undergo. In fact, it’s safer than having your appendix or gallbladder removed, or even an emergency hernia repair. The complication rates are extremely low, and the benefits often far outweigh the risks.
Moving Forward
Remember, choosing bariatric surgery isn’t about giving up or taking the easy way out – it’s about taking control of your health and giving yourself the gift of time. Time to be with the people who matter. Time to enjoy activities you may have missed out on. Time to live the life you deserve.
Your fears are valid, but they shouldn’t hold you back from making a decision that could significantly improve your health and quality of life. We’re here to support you through every step of this journey, addressing your concerns and helping you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
The changes that come with bariatric surgery are real, but they don’t have to be drastic enough to prevent you from enjoying life. In fact, many patients find they enjoy life more fully after surgery, with new opportunities and experiences opening up to them. The key is to focus on your personal journey and remember that this decision is about giving yourself the best possible chance at a healthier, happier future.