82 Pounds In Six Months
Margaret is a 62 female who underwent Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid obesity.
Unlike a Sleeve Gastrectomy, the Gastric Bypass can cure heartburn rather than exacerbate it. This is why choosing the procedure best suited to your medical condition is critical.
Margaret chose a gastric bypass for her weight loss journey because she suffered from severe heartburn.
Six months after surgery, she is completely cured of her heartburn and no longer requires acid-reducing or cholesterol medication. She has lost 82 pounds and 51 total inches! She no longer suffers from morbid obesity, high cholesterol, or arthritis.
Not only has she lost weight, but she has gained her life.
She reports she is more mobile than ever, has lost three pants sizes, and, most importantly, she can hug her granddaughter! She is exercising by biking and walking daily. This is something she could not have accomplished six short months ago.